
All students are required to take three years (6 semesters) of Science. The science curriculum is designed to help students understand and appreciate nature by systematically gathering and interpreting data. Required courses include Physics, Chemistry, and either Patters Biology or College Biology 101 and 102. Additional courses may be taken as electives or credit recovery.

Why study Science? First of all, everyone, no matter what career path we choose, has to be able to think scientifically in order to get through life. Whether it is deciding what to eat or drink or deciding where to live, using scientific methods to acquire accurate information about the world helps each of us to make the most informed and, therefore, best decision. Next, as citizens in the United States, we all make decisions that affect the well-being of everyone including electing public officials and voting on issues such as nuclear power and global warming. Finally, making the decision to purchase or not to purchase food products that contain certain types of chemicals and hormones gives us the final say whether or not food producers will continue this practice. Studying science can help provide you with the knowledge to make informed decisions to live the life you choose.


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Science Courses

Course ID: 031511A & 031511B
This is a lab-based physics course designed for 9th graders. Using the processes of scientific inquiry, engineering design, and critical thinking, students will discover and apply patterns in such major physics topics as motion, forces, energy, waves, and electromagnetism. An important aim of the course is to develop and build students’ math abilities, problem solving skills, scientific literacy, and technical communication that will be useful in physics as well as in later science courses. This course will address NGSS physical science, inquiry and engineering standards, as well as reinforce good educational behaviors and study skills that will promote academic success. This is a required freshman class.
Grades: 9
Credits: 1 - Science
Course ID: 031014A & 031014B
This course is intended to provide students with college ready science skills regardless of higher-level educational focus. The course will study the interactions among different forms of energy and matter. Topics addressed will include the structures of atoms and compounds, the Periodic Table, chemical reactions, gases, solutions, chemical quantities, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics. Content and skills from Physics will be built upon. The student will see how chemistry is taking place all around us and will understand the many chemical products s/he uses each day. This is a required sophomore class.
Grades: 10
Credits: 1 - Science
Patterns Biology
Course ID: 030514A & 030514B
This lab-based course covers the foundational principles of modern life focusing on molecular processes. The course is framed around the themes of structure and function as well as interaction and change. The Next Generation Life Science standards are covered in this course, with a focus on scientific and engineering practices. Course content will include the studies of biochemistry, cellular processes, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Technological, historical, political, and environmental aspects of biology will also be addressed. Content learned in physics and chemistry courses is built upon and expanded on in a biological context. Critical thinking and analysis are emphasized. This is a required junior class, or students may choose instead to take College Biology 101 and 102 in its place.
Grades: 11
Credits: 1 - Science
Introductory biology course designed by Chemeketa Community College for students not majoring in biology or a biology-related field. BI101 investigates the diversity of life forms on Earth, the basic principles of ecology and the consequences of ecosystem alteration by human beings (emphasizing issues relevant to living in the Pacific Northwest). Includes two mandatory field trips. (BI101, BI102, and BI103 may be taken in any order.)
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Honors Diploma
Introductory biology course designed by Chemeketa Community College for students not majoring in biology or biology-related fields. BI102 investigates cell structure, cell division, Mendelian genetics, and principles of evolution. Introduces modern techniques in biotechnology and discusses their ethical implications. (BI101 and BI102 may be taken in any order).
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Honors Diploma
AP Physics
Course ID: 031555A & 031555B
AP Physics 1 is a college level physics class that is math and lab intensive. AP physics will cover Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves, sound, and simple circuits. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted. This course is taken concurrently with AP Physics Lab.
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 1 - Science
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma
AP Physics Lab
Course ID: 0315551
AP Physics Lab is focused on the concepts presented in the first year college physics course covering Newtonian mechanics, work, energy, power, mechanical waves, sound, and simple circuits. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted. This course is taken concurrently with AP Physics.
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma
AP Chemistry
Course ID: 031065A & 031065B
AP Chemistry is focused on the concepts presented in the first year college chemistry course covering atomic theory and structure, chemical bonding, nuclear chemistry, states of matter; and reactions. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 1 - Science
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma
Course ID: 0300441
Astronomy begins with an overview of the universe in the cosmic perspective unit. Students learn about the motions and celestial bodies of our solar system as well as the evolution and structure of stars, galaxies and the universe. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted. Prerequisite: Completion of Biology or College Bio 101 and 102.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Astronomy 2
Course ID: 0300442
Astronomy 2 will build on topics covered in Astronomy 1 and share “What’s Up In The Night Sky?” monthly reports and independent projects with the class. Topics explored during the class include but are not limited to stargazing with binoculars and telescopes, space objects such as planets/moons, stars, galaxies and exoplanets. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Elective
Environmental Science - Oceanography examines the mutual relationships between organisms and their environment by studying the interrelationships among plants, animals, and humans with a particular focus on Oceanography. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted. Prerequisite: Completion of Biology or College Bio 101 and 102.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Course ID: 0306041
Microbiology explores the world of organisms and agents too small to be seen by the unaided eye. The major emphasis in this course will be the investigation of bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing agents. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted. Prerequisite: Completion of Biology or College Bio 101 and 102.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Science
Forest Ecology
Course ID: 030037A & 030037B
Forest Ecology explores the ecology of different ecoregions around Oregon. Some of the topics covered in the class included disturbance patterns, invasive species, native plants, and biogeochemical cycles. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 1 - Science, Applied Arts, Pathway, Elective
AP Environmental Science
Course ID: 032075A & 032075B
AP Environmental Science is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science. This course explores current environmental issues through discussions, field investigations, and extensive lab work. May not be used as third year of science credit unless three required courses (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) have been attempted.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 1 - Science, Applied Arts, Pathway, Elective
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma