The MHS English Language Development (ELD) Program is designed to support English Learners (EL) in understanding, speaking, reading and writing English, and to assist them in overcoming any significant barriers to accessing the full academic curriculum. Placement is based on the results of the home language survey and the ELPA21 screener. The ELD program consists of the following:
The primary goal of the program is for students to improve one level of English proficiency each school year, as measured by the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA), a state-wide test given to ELs every spring. Another important goal of the pro-gram is to help students compete successfully with their native English-speaking peers in academic classes (Math, Science, etc.). Students are also encouraged to become actively involved in school sports, clubs, and social activities.
The focus of the ELD classes is on the acquisition of vocabulary and linguistic forms and functions. EL teachers are responsible for providing ELD instruction to students at their language proficiency level and in a way that is targeted to their needs. EL teachers also work with administrators to supervise and monitor the activities of the EL educational assistants. Teachers are responsible for tracking the academic success of EL students and for facilitating communication with family members (arranging for interpretation as needed). They also collaborate with content area teachers to assist them in appropriately sheltering academic content for their students.
EL assistants provide academic support in mainstream classrooms and may also assist with practice and reinforcement during ELD classes, under direct supervision of an EL teacher. They provide one-on-one or small group assistance, as needed, during class. EL assistants may also be available to help students before or after the regular school day.