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Learn About the Military

Check out the Jumpstart to Military video. This screencast will give you an overview of military branches, ASVAB, FAQs, and more.

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Let's Get Started!

There is a lot of information and resources to help you prepare for enlisting in the military. These are just a few tips to give you a head start.

Military Contacts

Oregon Air National Guard

TSGT. Zack Scribner | zachary.w.scribner.mil@mail.mil

Staff Sergeant Matthew Dutt | matthew.dutt.2@us.af.mil

Oregon Army National Guard

SSG Jesse Caldwell | jesse.c.caldwell4.mil@army.mil

U.S. Air Force

Thomas Bennet | thomas.bennett.14@us.af.mil

U.S. Army

SFC Noel Bonifacio | noel.s.bonifacio.mil@mail.mil | 503.472.0451

SSG Damon Jones | damon.t.jones3.mil@army.mil

SFC Nicholas Dabney | nicholas.j.dabney.mil@army.mil

U.S. Coast Guard

Jessica Hulon | jessica.e.hulon@uscg.mil

Travis Burke | travis.j.burke@uscg.mil

U.S. Marines

Sgt. KevinLoveJoy Esteban | kevinlovejoy.esteban@marines.usmc.mil

Sgt. Dakota Grubbs | Dakota.Grubbs@marines.usmc.mil | 503.474.4732

U.S. Navy

AMC (AW) Joshua Gordon | joshua.w.gordon.mil@us.navy.mil | 971.393.7200

Matthew Macik | matthew.t.macik.mil@us.navy.mil

U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps

Angel Uscanga | auscanga@seacadets.org | 503.474.7763

The ASVAB usually offered to MHS Juniors in Spring Semester