English / Language Arts

The MHS English / Language Arts Department at McMinnville High School believes that the study of literature and language develops independent critical thinking, an appreciation for cultural diversity and the vitally important skill of written expression. The department seeks to provide a curriculum that has meaningful relevance to the real world of our students. Our goal is to instruct students in literature and writing, to achieve state standards and to prepare them for success in post-secondary education and vocation.
Teachers in the English Department are prepared to support students to meet or exceed state standards on Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) graduation requirements in reading and writing.
Essential Skills Assessment
State graduation requirements state that students must demonstrate proficiency in identified essential skills to receive the Standard, Honors, Basic, or Modified diploma. During their junior year students must complete OSAS assessments with the following minimum scores:

Reading claim score: 2515
Writing claim score: 2583

In order to provide additional support, students who are below the minimum score will be required to be enrolled in skill building lab courses in these areas.

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English / Language Arts Courses

Language & Literature – 9
Course ID: 0100140
This course offers college preparatory instruction closely aligned with the state standards using fiction and nonfiction readings, and example texts. Writing assignments will focus on the writing process for expository writing as well as narrative.
Grades: 9
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
This course offers college preparatory instruction closely aligned with the state standards using fiction and nonfiction readings, and example texts. Writing assignments will focus on the writing process for expository writing as well as narrative. Teacher recommendation required.
Grades: 9
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Language & Literature – 10
Course ID: 0100240
This course uses the study and production of argumentative writing as a vehicle for developing reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills. These skills provide students leverage in all areas of application in school and beyond.
Grades: 10
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
The enriched course focuses on reading and writing, with a particular emphasis on the argumentative mode, which will prepare the student for college. Reading will include poetry, short stories, novels, and dramas from different genres and cultures, as well as nonfiction. Prerequisite: A student must have earned a B or higher in the first semester of English 9.
Grades: 10
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Language & Literature – 11
Course ID: 0100340
This is a year long course with an emphasis on studying American Literature. The reading material and assignments within each unit are designed to provide students with practice in critical reading of, thinking about, and writing about complex texts. Students will explore and analyze various genres of text including podcasts, shorts stories, film, plays, and poems; as well as several selections of non-fiction including speeches, essays, and news articles. Students will also take the Smarter Balanced assessment as part of this course.
Grades: 11
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
This dual-credit course offers juniors an opportunity to take 8 college credits (Writing 115 and English 104) and satisfy the MHS English requirement for their junior year. Students will write college essays and study university-level literature. Students will also take the Oregon Statewide Assessment as part of this course. A student must have earned a B or higher in the first semester of the Advanced Sophomore Language and Literature class or an A in the first semester of Sophomore Language and Literature AND must also be earning a B or higher (10 Adv L/L) or an A (10 L/L) at the time of the second semester core recommendation conference in order to qualify. If EITHER term's grade is below the posted grade requirement, the student may not take this course. * At present, the colleges working with MHS do not require additional placement prerequisites in order for the student to participate in the dual-credit option for this class.
Grades: 11
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Honors Diploma
AP Language and Composition
Course ID: 0100550
This English course prepares juniors for the AP Language and Composition exam, which measures their ability to analyze, synthesize and compose rhetoric and argument. Students may earn college credit for a score of 3 or higher on the exam. Students will also take the Oregon Statewide Assessment as part of this course.
Grades: 11
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma
Language & Literature – 12
Course ID: 0100440
Senior Language and Literature is a year-long course aimed at preparing students to be more effective readers, to expose them to college-level expectations in terms of reading, writing, discussion and argument and to prepare them for the kind of critical thinking and analysis that will be required of them in college. Course content may include project-based learning, film as literature units, specific genres like mystery novels or poetry, and individualized opportunities for demonstrating Essential Skills in reading and writing.
Grades: 12
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
College Writing
Course ID: 0110340
College Writing is a dual credit class that emphasizes essay development, critical thinking and basic research skills. The second half of the class focuses on the writing of logical argumentative essays, awareness of different audiences and documentation. A student must have earned a B or higher in the first semester of the AP Language and Composition or Introduction to Composition and Fiction class or an A in the first semester of 11 Language and Literature AND must also be earning a B or higher (AP Lang or ITCF) or an A (11 L/L) at the time of the second semester core recommendation conference in order to qualify. If EITHER term's grade is below the posted grade requirement, the student may not take this course. *At present, the colleges working with MHS do not require additional placement prerequisites in order for the student to participate in the dual-credit option for this class.
Grades: 12
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Honors Diploma
AP Literature & Composition
Course ID: 0100650
The AP English Literature and Composition course will engage you in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, you can deepen your understanding of what it means to be a human being in the world and the ways in which writers use language to create meaning. You’ll learn to consider a work's structure, style, and themes, as well as smaller-scale elements such as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
Grades: 12
Credits: 1 - Language Arts
Fee: AP Exam Fee
Honors Diploma
Advanced English Support
Course ID: 0114940
This elective course will help you work with content from the advanced English class you’re already taking: AP Language, AP Literature, Intro to Comp & Fiction, or College Writing. The class will provide support and instruction in skills needed for advanced/college English, such as MLA and citation, allusions, vocabulary, grammar, essay formatting and revision technique, etc. All credit will come from in-class work and participation (not homework) and there will be time for extensive one-on-one conferencing with an English teacher while working on writing or revising work for AP, ITCF or College English. Prerequisite: Simultaneously enrolled in AP Language, AP Literature, Intro to Composition and Fiction, or College Writing.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 1 - Elective