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Academic Honors

McMinnville High School students who excel academically are eligible to earn Academic Honors. During a student’s high school career, they will be recognized for their academic achievement. The Academic Honor Levels at McMinnville High School are as follows:

Level 1 – Academic Honor Roll Brunch: Each semester, the school hosts an Academic Honor Roll Brunch for all students whose previous semester grade point average is 3.50 or higher, with at least 2.5 credits earned.

Level 2 – Academic Letter: Following the third semester on the honor roll, a student is awarded an academic letter (red “M” trimmed in white).

Level 3 – Academic Pin: Following the fifth semester on the honor roll, a student is awarded an academic pin to be placed on the academic letter.

Level 4 – Academic Certificate: Following the seventh semester on the honor roll, a student is awarded an academic certificate.

Level 5 – Academic Honor Cord: With a cumulative 3.50 or higher grade point average at the end of the seventh semester and on a McMinnville or Honors diploma, a student is awarded a gold academic achievement cord to be worn at commencement.

Level 6 – Salutatorian: Salutatorians will be recognized with a medal to wear at commencement during the Senior Honors Assembly. Salutatorian honors will go to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Cumulative weighted grade point average of 4.00 or higher at the end of semester 7, OR all A’s and only one B on their transcript
  • Qualify for an Honors Diploma

Level 7 – Valedictorian: Valedictorians will be named following the seventh semester. They will be awarded a medal to wear at commencement during the Senior Honors Assembly. Criteria to be named valedictorian are as follows:

  • Cumulative unweighted grade point average of 4.0 or higher at the end of semester 7
  • Qualify for an Honors Diploma

Additional academic recognition at McMinnville High School includes:

Career Pathway Cord: Students will receive a white cord to wear around their neck with their graduation gown when they have met all of the Career Pathway requirements for their specific Career Pathway/s (see Course Bulletin).

Career Pathway Endorsement: Students will receive a Career Pathway endorsement on their graduation diploma when they have met all of the Career Pathway requirements for their specific Career Pathway/s (see Course Bulletin).

College Credit Cord: Students will receive a silver cord to wear around their neck with their graduation gown when they have earned a minimum of 24 college credits.

Professional Technical Excellence Award: The Professional-Technical Excellence Award is given to a senior who has shown the maximum possible effort to realize his or her potential in a chosen Professional-Technical field. Performance and improvement in all courses, as well as participation in athletics, the arts, club and outside activities are considered for this award. A committee chaired by the principal makes this annual selection, and the winner’s name is added to a perpetual trophy kept in the trophy case of McMinnville High School. Additionally, this trophy is presented to the student at the annual Senior Honors Assembly.

Academic Excellence Award: The Academic Excellence Award is awarded to a senior who has shown the maximum possible effort to realize his or her optimum academic achievement. Performance and improvement in English, math, science, social science, as well as athletics, performing arts, club and outside activities are considered for this award. A committee chaired by the principal makes this annual selection, and the winner’s name is added to a perpetual trophy kept in the trophy case of McMinnville High School. Additionally, this trophy is presented to the student at the annual Senior Honors Assembly.