Culinary Arts & Hospitality

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Culinary Arts & Hospitality Courses

This lab based course explores nutrition, factors influencing food choices, basic kitchen principles, safety and sanitation, culinary terminology, following a recipe, collaboration, proper measurement and food preparation techniques. Students will also explore careers in the industry of hospitality, tourism and management. Once completing this class, students have the opportunity to earn a personalized chef coat in ProStart 1.
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 0.5 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $43.00
Advanced Foods
Course ID: 1605341
Students revisit topics from Introduction to Culinary Arts such as safety and sanitation, proper measurements, culinary terminology and techniques. Students in this advanced culinary class will learn more about the science and art of cooking including knife skills and use of herbs and spices. Students will apply these concepts to a variety of projects including vegetarian foods, specialty desserts and assorted protein recipes, as well as regional and international cuisine.
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 0.5 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $43.00
Students gain practical job skills in professional food preparation and business management in the operation of a school-based catering enterprise. Students who complete the two-year program have the opportunity to earn the ProStart National Certificate. Students enrolled have the opportunity to compete within CTSO’s.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 1 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $43.00 per semester
Continuation of learning regarding food service and hospitality and tourism management. Field trips include a restaurant industry trade show and visits to culinary and restaurant management programs. Seniors can take ProStart 1 and 2 concurrently with instructor approval. In order to receive ProStart cord, you must complete at least 3 credits and finish ProStart 2.
Grades: 12
Credits: 1 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $43.00 per semester
Grizzly Catering
Course ID: 1605641
Students in Grizzly catering will gain experience in managing our school-based catering enterprise. Menu planning, inventory, ordering, preparation food items, and application of industry and marketing standards are a few skills students will utilize. May take more than once for credit.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $0
Students that have successfully completed Grizzly Catering can apply to Culinary/Hospitality Internship. Duties entail organizing one large catering event AND completing a job shadow for a local food service, hospitality, or tourism/recreation establishment in McMinnville. Daily journals and reflection paper are required.
Grades: 12
Credits: 0.5 - Applied Arts, Elective, Pathway
Fee: $0
Assist teacher and actively help peers engage with course content.
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 0.5 - Elective
Fee: $0